Original 1909
It has a 3 speed gear, handbrakes front and rear.
Model unknown.
As far as known, this bicycle belong to Jesper Sølling. Former owner was Finn Wodshou.
Photos by © Mads Rasmussen

Here it's fairly easy to see that the two handbrakes levers are different.
The front brake is worked using a rod and directly worked by the lever.
The rear brake is worked by a cable.

The rear brake is pulled with a cable and repositioned by two small springs.

The lower fixing of the front fork .

Gear shifter handle

The leather strap is doubled.

This seat has a leather cover. Some had and some hadn't.
John Pinkerton comments on the leather cover.
There are two shackles to support the leather strap. And 7 springs to support the seat to the frame.