This is a wooden cycle that Mikael Pedersen made.
That is, it's assumed Mikael Pedersen made this cycle as a prototype. Nobody actually knows for sure.
What we know is, that this bicycle turned up in Copenhagen after World War 1, and it has been stored at Copenhagen City Museum for many years.
During the war Mikael Pedersen's house in Marbjerg was "occupied" by the armed forces (Mikael Pedersen was in England). It's known that many of Mikael Pedersen's models were made of wood and the soldiers used these as firewood and burned most of the models made by Mikael Pedersen.
It's said that one of the soldiers rode the bicycle to Copenhagen and somehow it ended up at the Copenhagen City Museum.
The cycle is made of all wood. The only metal is the chain, the chain wheel and some parts of the saddle. To me (Editor), there is no doubt about it, it must be a Mikael Pedersen invention, because it has the same concept in the construction of the frame as in the metal framed version.